Owl in the bark
Critics _ Simon Kim, Mark Yim, Fall 2015
Team _ Gary Polk, Joanne Meng
Owl in the Bark is a study of camouflage supergraphics and the concealment of tectonic motion. We began by exploring Razzle Dazzle camouflage, prey vs predator relationships, tetrahedron-flexagon transfiguration and sound sensory robotics. The end result combines this research to create a robot [animal] capable of transforming from one form into another at the reaction of threatening volume levels, all the while submerging itself in its environment [jungle].
Immersive Kinematics: Within an environment of like terrain, a creature with similar markings is well-hidden until it comes to life with sound inputs. Even still, as it moves along two degrees of freedom, different stripe orientations produce new readings and legibility.
_ Featured on Immersive Kinematics
_ Featured on suckerPUNCH

![Photo 2 [Stage-1].jpg](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5549550fe4b0c34cae590a68/1450151582126-HJ6RI9VD167BMC9ZW20U/Photo+2+%5BStage-1%5D.jpg)
![Photo 9 [Stage-1].jpg](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5549550fe4b0c34cae590a68/1450151601799-FE2VJTL5N10FOCK1G8NI/Photo+9+%5BStage-1%5D.jpg)